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Multi Language Website

WordPress Multi Language Website Services

Unlock a global audience with our Multilanguage WordPress Website service.

Whether you’re starting fresh or converting an existing site, we specialize in creating websites that seamlessly cater to diverse linguistic audiences.

Website in 4 Simple Steps:

Language Assessment

Determine the languages you want to support and plan the website structure accordingly.

Multilingual Setup

Implementation of a multilanguage plugin or integration of a multilanguage theme for a smooth transition.

Content Translation

Translation of existing content or creation of new content in each supported language.

Testing and Optimization

Rigorous testing to ensure a seamless user experience, and optimization for SEO across all languages.

Choose a Package

Pick the perfect package to make your dream website a reality. We’ve got three options just for you:


$ 10
  • 7 Pages
  • Content Upload
  • 10 Premium Plugins
  • Speed Optimization


$ 20
  • 12 Pages
  • Web Writing
  • 20 Premium Plugins
  • Speed Optimization
  • Shared Hosting


$ 50
  • 12+ Pages
  • Web Writing
  • 20+ Premium Plugins
  • Speed Optimization
  • Domain & Hosting
  • Search Engine Optimization

Frequently Asked Questions

A multilanguage website caters to a global audience, enhancing user experience and expanding your reach.

Yes, we specialize in converting existing websites into fully functional multilanguage platforms.

We implement hreflang tags, create language-specific sitemaps, and optimize content for each language to ensure optimal SEO.

We implement user-friendly language-switching options, such as dropdown menus or flags, depending on your preference.

Yes, your multilanguage WordPress website can easily accommodate additional languages as your needs evolve.

We ensure compatibility with popular themes and plugins or recommend alternatives that support multilanguage functionality.